Photo Hunt Week 1: Childhood

Rocks from my childhood.

This week marks the first entry into a little something Vicky and I hatched up. Though actually, most of the credit goes to her, as she found the original meme and suggested we try it ourselves. Which I thought was a fantastic idea.

So… this week… childhood.

And you’re probably wondering what a couple of rocks in a yard has to do with childhood.

What you’re looking at is actually my childhood home of 18 years. It’s taken a rather significant change these past couple of years, as it’s now abandoned and neglected, but truth be told, I never liked that house much anyway. I realized not too long ago that many of my nightmares still take place in that house, even though I haven’t lived there for quite a while now.

Those rocks, though, are one of my cherished memories as a child. I would go out to those rocks at night and watch the moon and stars pass overhead, as the surface of the larger rock is just the right shape for leaning back against when you’re a little kid. There are many summer nights when I’d play by those rocks and develop a deep love for the night sky and the stars.

I find some deep symbolism in this image, as the wire fence was never there when I was a kid. That was put up by my brother when they moved back into that house a few years ago. It’s fitting, though… as I feel in many ways that I’ve tried to block out a large part of my childhood, since much of it was a lot of religious propaganda spoon fed to us as kids. You’ll notice the yard, which I can personally attest to once being quite beautiful and lush, has overgrown and gone completely neglected.

Some things simply don’t last, and sometimes that’s for the best. I’m glad those rocks are still there though. They’ll always be a part of my childhood I cherish.

You can find Vicky’s post here.