Photo Hunt Week 2: Earth

Earth through the eyes of a child.

This photo isn’t what I originally intended, but I’m actually quite surprised with how it turned out. What I had first thought about doing is going up to Dry Falls and taking some photos of the gorgeous cliff structures that are there. It was the first thing that popped into my head, but, unfortunately, was rather difficult to arrange a time to go photograph. The winter months and lack of daylight mean I would of had to go over the weekend, and that simply didn’t happen.

This alternate photo is something I thought up at the last moment… and even if it’s a bit from left-field, I do like how it turned out. I was going for a depth-of-field effect with the photograph, something I was able to accomplish somewhat with the macro setting on my camera, but as I can’t really fiddle with the f-stop settings on my little point and click, it’s not completely how I envisioned it.

I still think it’s a worthy addition to the collection so far, though.

Vicky’s way funky photo for this week is here. I love her photo, even if it’s one from her archives. 🙂

One thought on “Photo Hunt Week 2: Earth

  1. cynthaea says:

    I love it!
    Though I think you should have show europe rather than the US. America is scary :p
    I meant to post last week too but I forgot sorry.

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