Maybe “hate” is too strong a word.
And to be honest, it’s not entirely Windows’ fault. I mean… Windows 7 is actually pretty decent. It has things I like about it. The new taskbar is a thing of beauty, even if it does steal some ideas from Mac OS X.
My current Windows Desktop. Me and Happy Deer are friends. Original by Nathan Lanier on Flikr.
So let me be more specific. I hate administrating Windows. Especially when it comes to deploying software.
If you’ve ever had to manage a large group of Windows systems, or a large group of computers in general, you probably know what I’m talking about. Even with Active Directory and Group Policy software deployment, you are just too limited to be able to easily administrate any software package that comes along.
Especially poorly designed software installers. *queue angry glare at older Adobe packages*
So what is an administrator to do?