The Night is Dark, and Full of Terrors…

Tonight marks the second occurrence of something stupendous.

Game of Thrones night.

Myself and the other two members from the fabulous work trio have taken it upon ourselves to get together every fortnight for the partaking in what I like to call “The Tyrion Lannister Stories”.  So far it’s been a smash success, and means the other two hooligans are forced to descend upon my little abode, as I am the only one that pays for premium cable.  I also supplied the meal, and Shawn was so kind to bring his many bags of games.

We only got around to one of his many games, but it’s one I thoroughly recommend.  Quarriors! is a fairly fast paced dice battle game.  It reminds me of Magic in some respects, but is much simpler and revolves around a shared pool of “capturable” dice.  The rules took a little while to suss out, but once we were up and going it was roughly 30 minutes for a game.  2-4 players, so not a huge party game, but good for a small group of fast friends.

After a few rounds of Quarriors we caught up on last week’s episode of Game of Thrones, filled our bellies with roasted vegetables and turkey meatloaf, and had just enough time to watch an episode of the new Avatar series, Legend of Korra.  We may add this to future Game of Thrones nights, as the first episode was quite good.

Then, of course, came the latest episode.

I’ll just say there’s a reason we have Game of Thrones night.  The series is good.  Damn good.  The source material is excellent, and they have (so far) been quite faithful to it.  It begs the question as to what they’ll do when they catch up to the books, but they do, at least, have some time to get there.  I foresee the upcoming books being split into multiple seasons of the show, and you’ll likely see a lot of reshuffling of content so that there is a continuous timeline.

At any rate, I don’t worry too much about it.  I’ll enjoy what we have for what it is.  Fantastic entertainment.

And an excuse to get together with good friends.

Super… stuff.


Today the Patriots faced off against the Giants.

I spent the day at work to avoid it.

And to get some work done, actually. But that’s my fault for saying certain things would be done by Monday. They’re still not completely ready to go, but I can at least get things sorted on Monday instead of being several days behind.

I never really understood the big deal about the Super Bowl really. I’m not much of a professional sports watching person at all. Though I do find some things fascinating. I remember watching a Cricket game during one of my trips to Australia, and just trying to figure out what was going on was amusing.

Maybe it’s just American sports. It just all seems too… commercialized really.

What I’m really interested in is the current political scene in the states at the moment.

Super Tuesday is this week… and the democratic candidacy looks more and more interesting. Personally I’m rooting for Obama. His whole campaign currently is based around change… and though a lot of people have scoffed at the whole “change just for the sake of change” thing… honestly, this country needs some change. And its heartening to see others, from other countries, rooting for him too. Maybe at some point I won’t actually have to feel ashamed for living in this country. It at least has pried me out of my apathy this year to actually get up and be involved more. I’m going to make every attempt to attend the local democratic caucus this year. It should be a learning experience if nothing else. I don’t expect much of a turn out, considering the area where I live is so Republican it scares me… but it is one of the few times where a voice, no matter how small, matters.

Scary Hillary

Besides, Clinton scares me. There’s something about her that is unsettling. And I’m tired of the same two families being ensconced in the White House for… what? The past 20 years? It’s absurd when you think about it. I’d say it’s past time for some new blood.

So I guess I’m publicly stating that I support Obama for the democratic nomination. It seems to be the popular thing to do lately.

Otherwise, life moves on. Work sucks, haven’t talked to my family for a couple weeks, feeling a bit cut off… the usual. It may be time to get in touch with some people I haven’t seen for a while. If they haven’t completely given up on me.

One last note. If you get the chance, watch Six Feet Under. It’s the Netflix series de jour at the house here, and it’s amazing. There is a complexity to the characters that is fascinating, and it has a fantastically morbid, dark humor to it at times. It is, after all, set in a funeral home. Highly recommended.